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Guangdong Shoumenshen Technology Group Co., Ltd.

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Congratulations to the goalkeeper to participate in the 2018 Northeast 20th Northeast Expo and the 2018 Hangzhou Anbo Fair was a complete success

Source of the article: Guangdong Shoumenshen Technology Group Co., Ltd. Popularity:1359 Publication time:2018-08-29 14:44:07 small middle big

From April 19th to 21st, the three-day "2018 20th Northeast International Public Security Products Expo and the "Shenyang Optel" 12th Northeast Security Engineering Conference" ended successfully at the Shenyang New World Expo Center. !

The 20th "Northeast Anbo Fair" exhibits include: video surveillance and prevention; smart home, building and community intelligence; public broadcasting; lightning protection technology; intelligent transportation and facilities; network security; alarm, explosion-proof, anti-terrorism security inspection equipment; Perimeter defense; patrol inspection, access control, bayonet control; biometric identification; LED large screen; drone; Internet of Things technology and application; cable, cabinet, power supply; fire and emergency rescue products; , cabinets and other social public safety products.

During the AMB meeting, the exhibition site was crowded, and the local police in the province visited the exhibition site to observe and study, and the professional audience was bursting.

On April 21st, the 2018 China (Hangzhou) International Social Public Safety Products and Technology Expo (hereinafter referred to as “2018 China (Hangzhou) Anbohui”) also successfully concluded at the Hangzhou International Expo Center. Under the guidance of the Hangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau and the Hangzhou Economic and Information Commission, the AMB will be co-sponsored by the Hangzhou Security Technology Prevention Industry Association and the Hangzhou Internet of Things Industry Association to bring together the world's leading security companies, showcase new products, and discuss New technology, a total of annual security industry event

At 9:30 am on April 19, the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Anbo Fair was officially opened. This year's AMB has received the support of the government and the National Security Association and other relevant units and the strong support of the majority of enterprises. Zhang Zhongxiao, secretary-general of China Security and Protection Products Industry Association, Niu Jin, deputy director of the Communications Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, Tao Junsheng, deputy director of the Ministry of Public Security, and deputy director of China Security Products Industry Association, Xiu Xiufeng, etc. The leaders and guests of the provincial and municipal security associations attended the opening ceremony.

Zhang Zhongxiao, secretary general of the China Security and Protection Products Industry Association, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. He expressed his best wishes for the successful completion of this Expo. He said that in recent years, public security has become a topic of constant concern to the whole people and the whole society. Security companies shoulder the mission of building public safety. As a well-known security industry base in China, Hangzhou has gathered a number of excellent security enterprises. It is believed that the convening of this exhibition will promote the security industry in Hangzhou and even the whole country to a new level.

Shoumenshen Technology Group also participated in this Northeast & Hangzhou Anbo Fair, as a national high-tech enterprise, Guangdong famous brand, Guangdong famous brand products, China's top ten police equipment brands, national public security system police equipment leading brand, to customers It has displayed a series of products such as security inspection machines, security inspection doors, bulletproof vests and stab-resistant clothing. The exhibition site has maintained a high popularity and the audience attending the exhibition is endless.

The audience showed a strong interest in the products of the goalkeeper security door series.

With its strong innovation strength and brand influence, Shoumenshen Technology has received extensive attention from local fire officers and soldiers.

The chairman of the goalkeeper Meng Yichen attached great importance to the exhibition. He personally came to the site of Shenyang Anbo and worked side by side with the elite team of the goalkeeper, which inspired the team's morale and laid a good foundation for the successful completion of the exhibition.

The picture shows the chairman of Meng Yipeng personally explaining the products of the goalkeeper and security products for the audience and exhibitors. Under the wonderful explanation of Meng Dong, the products of the goalkeeper have been highly recognized by customers.

The goalkeeper sales elite team patiently received the audience to consult the bulletproof stab-resistant clothing, and carried out the on-site try-on display, which was well received by customers.

In order to better serve members, improve the visibility of member companies, and display the high-quality projects of Liaoning Province security enterprises, Liaoning Provincial Security Association will select high-quality engineering projects in the special exhibition area (C exhibition area) of this year's “Northeast Anbo Fair” to promote corporate brand building. Give play to the power of example and boost the development of the security industry.

The gatekeeper's security door series products were unveiled in the Liaoning Provincial Public Safety Products Industry Association exhibition area, demonstrating the industry status and brand strength of the goalkeeper products.

The Northeast & Shenyang Anbo Fair has come to a successful end, but the goalkeeper continues to innovate and the pace of courage to open will not stop. Especially with the arrival of the wave of “smart security”, the goalkeeper is not only to be a witness and participant in the era of change, but also to become an important promoter of this round of industry innovation through core technology innovation, and to promote industry technology. Rapid development, further enhance the brand and product strength.