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Welcome to the 19th National Congress, and then see the AMB | 2017 this AMB will not only look good, more fun

Source of the article: Guangdong Shoumenshen Technology Group Co., Ltd. Popularity:1361 Publication time:2018-08-29 14:22:44 small middle big

The scrolls of history are always spreading in the shackles; the Huazhang of the times is always written in new struggles. All great achievements are the result of continuous struggle, and all great undertakings need to be promoted in the future. Under the correct leadership of the Communist Party, China is on the road of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

After the 18th National Congress, the new requirements for social security management also made the security industry achieve rapid progress. According to statistics, by 2016, the market size of China's security industry has soared from 324 billion in 2012 to 540 billion.

The party’s nineteenth is held in Beijing from October 18-24, 2017. This is a very important meeting held during the crucial period of building a well-off society in an all-round way and the crucial period of socialist development with Chinese characteristics. The remarkable achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics have meant that the Chinese nation, which has suffered in recent times, has achieved a historic leap from standing up to becoming rich and strong, which means that socialism has a strong vitality in China. Develop a new realm. In the speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the 24th, he put forward new requirements for the comprehensive management of social security. He said: "China's comprehensive management of public security should promote a more professional level of social governance; build a safe China, strengthen and innovate social governance, and maintain society. Harmony and stability, ensure the long-term stability of the country, the people live and work in peace and contentment; resolutely curb serious and serious security incidents, improve the ability of disaster prevention, mitigation and relief; and crack down on and punish illegal criminal activities such as gambling and black abduction.

Coincidentally, five days after the closing of the party's 19th National Congress, a major event in the security industry is about to happen. This is known as the "Global Security First Exhibition", Shenzhen Anbo will be kicked off. In the background, this year's AMB will also be full of highlights.

The Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on the coast of the South China Sea is an important experimental field for China's economic system reform and an important decision made by the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee. Over the past 30 years of reform and opening up, Shenzhen has achieved rapid development, and people's lives have taken the lead in entering a well-off level. In this fertile soil, Shenzhen Anbo has been successfully held for fifteen sessions, which not only witnessed the rapid development of China's security industry, but also objectively contributed to the promotion of social harmony and people's security in China.

It is understood that from the exhibitors' exhibits, in addition to the traditional video surveillance, alarm networking, building intercom and other products, this year's AMB also covers police equipment, artificial intelligence (including drones, robots, etc.), biological Identification, intelligent transportation, securities anti-counterfeiting and other industry products, is a veritable big security concept exhibition. From the audience, there will be more than 160 buyers and visitors from this country. During the AMB meeting, it is expected to reach a daily average of around 130,000 person-times. From the forum activities, during the AMB meeting, the organizing committee carefully arranged the China International Anti-terrorism Explosion Technology Seminar, the 14th China Security Forum, the China Cloud Parking Industry Development Forum, and the China Biometric Technology Innovation Application Forum. forum. In addition, almost every day, in the conference room, or in the booth, there are new product launches organized by exhibitors.

Finally, the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China laid a solid theoretical foundation for the development of China in the next five years, and the 16th Shenzhen Anbo Fair, which coincided with the 19th National Congress, will also develop harmoniously for the society with professionalism and dedication. Make new contributions

The world's first security exhibition - Anbo will be opened, this exhibition not only gathers well-known domestic and foreign manufacturers, let you appreciate the world's top security products, the organizing committee has carefully prepared a lot of forums, activities waiting for you Come and participate. A fun thing to introduce to you during the AMB meeting.

Shoumenshen Technology Group Co., Ltd., Hall: 8B11 Looking forward to your visit