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Guangdong Shoumenshen Technology Group Co., Ltd.

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Warmly welcome the Deputy Inspector of Hainan Provincial Public Security Department Li Li and the Chairman of Cambodian International Airlines Zhao Wei to visit the Shoumenshen Technology Group for inspection and guidance.

Source of the article: Guangdong Shoumenshen Technology Group Co., Ltd. Popularity:1307 Publication time:2018-08-29 14:07:45 small middle big

On the occasion of the 90th Anniversary of the Army, the Deputy Inspector of Hainan Provincial Public Security Department Li Li and the Chairman of Cambodian International Airlines Zhao Wei came to the Gommen Shen Technology Group. The Chairman of the Board Meng Hao and the General Manager Wang Chunli warmly received and accompanied the tour.

Li Li, deputy director of the Hainan Provincial Public Security Department and Zhao Wei, the chairman of the Cambodian International Aviation Corporation, were invited by the chairman of the goalkeeper technology group Meng Hao to visit the guiding work. The company leaders paid special attention and accompanied the group army. The police equipment exhibition hall, the military police equipment workshop, and the security inspection equipment workshop understand the use and performance of the police equipment produced by the goalkeeper, and observe the entire process of the bulletproof garment production process and the security inspection equipment to detect the luggage, vehicles and pedestrians!

After visiting the production workshop and the exhibition hall, a short discussion was held. The two sides exchanged views on the science and technology police, the construction of a safe city, and the smart police platform. They also pointed out the direction for the goalkeeper to enter the Hainan market. The future goalkeeper is Hainan Island and The security of the motherland makes its due contribution! Li Li, deputy inspector of Hainan Provincial Public Security Department and Chairman Zhao Wei of Cambodian International Airlines expressed satisfaction with the trip and affirmed the production scale and development prospects of the goalkeeper, and praised the achievements and achievements made by the goalkeeper in the security inspection and military and police industries. The contribution expressed support for the goalkeeper to enter the Hainan market to protect China's peaceful development.