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Guangdong Shoumenshen Technology Group Co., Ltd.

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The Chinese Police Network of the Ministry of Public Security - Director Jia Xiyan and his team visited the Gates Technology Group to visit and inspect

Source of the article: Guangdong Shoumenshen Technology Group Co., Ltd. Popularity:1318 Publication time:2018-08-29 13:57:19 small middle big

On the afternoon of April 18th, 2017, the director of the Chinese Police Network of the Ministry of Public Security, Jia Xiyan, came to Guangdong Shoumenshen Group Technology Co., Ltd. to visit and inspect. The chairman of the company, Meng Hao, personally greeted the visit and expressed a warm welcome!

First of all, Director Jia visited the honorary qualifications of the Shoumenshen Technology Group, for example, national high-tech enterprises, Guangdong famous brand products, top ten brands of Chinese police equipment, national public security system police equipment leading brands, enthusiastic public welfare enterprises, patriotic support A series of honors such as model units.

Director Jia and his party visited the police building, R&D department, security inspection workshop and other factory buildings and office buildings. Accompanied by Chairman Meng Hao, the company went to the company's technology development department. The technicians displayed various police equipment and equipment: tactical bulletproof equipment, police equipment series, riot series... The most attractive tour group is the bulletproof equipment series. product.

Affirmation of these honors and achievements made by the goalkeeper, with the professional attitude of the goalkeeper, full of confidence in the future development of the goalkeeper's future business market.