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Guangdong Shoumenshen Technology Group Co., Ltd.

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2017 Shoumenshen Technology Group Spring Huayang Lake Tour Notes

Source of the article: Guangdong Shoumenshen Technology Group Co., Ltd. Popularity:1322 Publication time:2018-08-29 13:46:25 small middle big

One year's plan lies in the spring. In this season of recovery and vitality, in order to relax everyone's work and strengthen the cohesiveness and centripetal force of the company's employees, the goalkeeper organized a one-day spring tour of Huayang Lake. . The participants in this activity include the company's R&D department, technical department, sales department, human resources department, marketing department, and production department.

At 8 o'clock in the morning on March 26, in the early morning breeze, the tourist bus team full of company employees set off from the door of the group company, all the way through the hustle and bustle of the city, gradually away from the concrete building, entering the Huayang Lake Wetland Park in Ma Yong, enjoying the spring. breath.

Although Tiangong is not beautiful, there will be sporadic light rain from time to time, but the staff of the goalkeeper enjoy the joy of the endless sea of flowers in the spring. Meng Hao, Chairman of the Noon Group, participated in the departmental game activities organized by the employees spontaneously. In the Huayang Lake Wetland Park, everyone laughed and laughed and played.

At noon, everyone enjoyed a simple and delicious lunch at a restaurant near Huayang Lake Park. Then we hike and multi-person bicycles around Huayang Lake to enjoy the beautiful scenery along the lake.


On the occasion of the spring rain in the afternoon, the group returned to the company by car at 3:30, and the spring tour of Huayang Lake in one day, although it felt a little tired, the mood was very smooth. During this spring tour, everyone relaxed their body and mind, eased the pressure brought by work and life, reflected the vitality of Evergreen's team and enhanced the feelings among colleagues. In the spring of hope, we are passionate and sail with the company!