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Guangdong Shoumenshen Technology Group Co., Ltd.

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The original commander of the Dongguan Military Region of Guangdong Province visited the Shoumenshen Technology Group

Source of the article: Guangdong Shoumenshen Technology Group Co., Ltd. Popularity:1811 Publication time:2018-08-29 11:33:09 small middle big

       On the afternoon of October 11, 2016, Wang Fuguang, former member of the Standing Committee of Dongguan Municipal Committee and commander of Dongguan Military Division, visited the goalkeeper of the Shoumenshen Technology Group. Chairman Meng Hao led the marketing center director and deputy director to accompany the reception. First of all, the commander visited the goalkeeper's honorary qualifications, such as national high-tech enterprises, Guangdong famous brand products, China's top ten police equipment brands, national public security system police equipment recommended brands, enthusiastic public welfare enterprises, patriotic A series of honors such as the model unit of the army. The commander asked them one by one to express their appreciation and affirmation for the core technology of the products of the anti-explosive drug detection based on ion migration and the bulletproof and stab-resistant products of polymer materials. They also expressed their gratitude to the company for its patriotic model behavior.

       Subsequently, the group went to the police equipment exhibition hall, and was particularly interested in some military product commanders, and constantly gave the experience and precautions of the actual product. Chairman Meng Hao said that he would design and develop more and better close to actual combat. Modern police products and provide better logistics services. When I came to the police production workshop, the commander carefully asked about the materials and fabrics of the goalkeeper's bulletproof equipment, and gave practical advice from time to time.

       Finally, the commander also visited the gatekeeper's security inspection equipment production workshop. The core independent intellectual property technology such as millimeter wave active passive detection, X-ray dual-view imaging and radar radio frequency detection of the goalkeeper technology group made the goalkeeper in the leading position in the industry. God's prospects will also be brilliant!

Through this visit and guidance, the goalkeeper has further clarified the advantages of his products, and also understood the various needs of the actual combat of the troops, laying a solid foundation for providing better services to the troops in the future.