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Guangdong Shoumenshen Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Security inspection equipment Solution provider
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Is the "security check" in check? Look at the image of the security inspection machine disclosed by the Ministry of Public Security in four black and four official microblogs.

Source of the article: Guangdong Shoumenshen Technology Group Co., Ltd. Popularity:1461 Publication time:2018-08-29 15:25:51 small middle big

Subway, train, plane, long-distance bus... The security check that you carry with your big bag, you know what the security check is looking for? It’s time to test your eyes!
In the following bags, the contraband will be "dropped" out. Can you find out a few?

(來源:公安部打四黑除四害官方微博)(Source: Ministry of Public Security hits four black and four evil official Weibo)
Figure 1 folding knife
Figure 2 mobile power
Figure 3 lighter
Figure 4 pliers
Figure 5 explosives
Figure 6 control tool
Figure 7 control tool
Figure 8 simulation gun
Do you see it?
Tips: General prohibited categories
(1) Firearms, military or police equipment and imitations (including main components)
(2) Explosives
(3) Controlling tools
(4) Flammable and explosive materials
(5) Toxic, radioactive, and corrosive
Expand reference learning materials, users can check for themselves:
Catalogue of prohibited items in railways
"Catalogue of prohibited items in rail transit"
"People's Republic of China Civil Aviation Safety Protection Regulations"...
You can study hard before going out!