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Multi-technology security application: Future artificial intelligence makes airport security clearance more convenient, not only face recognition

Source of the article: Guangdong Shoumenshen Technology Group Co., Ltd. Popularity:1802 Publication time:2018-08-29 14:54:22 small middle big

      I am afraid that the most troublesome thing when traveling by plane is that the airport customs clearance procedures are complicated and time consuming, and passengers often have to waste a lot of time waiting in line. This situation is expected to improve in the future, and the application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology is expected to make airport customs clearance faster and more convenient.

   According to CNBC 7th, the head of Dubai Airport, Paul Griffiths, predicts that airport security and customs will become a thing of the past, and passengers will be able to enter and leave without having to show any documents. He believes that more advanced technology will allow security procedures and customs clearance procedures to be carried out in a way that does not bother passengers.

    Although it sounds like a plot in science fiction, in fact, the key technologies that can realize the relevant ideas already exist, such as face recognition, iris scanning, fingerprint authentication, etc., just need to be integrated. Griffiths is very certain that this will become a reality and is expected to be realized in the next 10 to 20 years.

    Swiss airport operator SITA teamed up with Brisbane Airport in Australia to test a new biometric security system. After the passengers land, they can scan the facial features at the self-service counter and compare them with the passport data. After confirming the correctness, the system will generate electronic tokens. In the next phase of the customs clearance process, the passenger will perform face recognition again to confirm that the token holder is the passenger himself.